Thursday, March 7, 2019

What Adult breastfeeding relationships is not and what Adult breastfeeding relationships is.

Adult breastfeeding is not

Adult breastfeeding is not a fetish. Most people in ANR/ABF don’t do it for sex. They do it for the intimacy and it is a great natural way to relieve stress. Though sex may sometimes be involved,  ANR/ABF continues after sex and is primarily done outside of sex.

Adult breastfeeding is not lactophilia. Lactophilia is a milk play fetish. Though lactation can be a part of ANR/ABF. Most are dry nursing, and those who are wet nursing do it for the added health and physical benefits.

Adult breastfeeding is not about the milk. Though most people into ANR/ABF would like lactation in there relationship.  The milk is only a bonus and has added health and physical benefits. Most people in ANR do not have a lactation relationship. 

Adult breastfeeding is not about role play. Role play may be a form of infantilizm. But in ANR/ABF, Neither act out or dress like a child. Most of what people see and hear about ANR/ABF is from porn, media or infantilist fantasy And not true ANR/ABF.

What Adult breastfeeding is

Adult breastfeeding is a natural way to relieve stress and anxiety. People in ANR/ABF are there for each other and want that quiet time to relieve there stress and relax.

Adult breastfeeding is more about love, acceptance and intimacy. Two people expressing affection for one another in their own way.

To learn more go to my YouTube channel. True ANR



  1. Thank you for the information!
    After researching, some more links:
    Husband tries wife's breastmilk and is surprised!
    Another husband drinks wife's breastmilk and is also surprised!
    Husband takes on the breastmilk taste challenge fun and very cute!!
    Interesting picture of Petrina, Richard and baby by Melissa Jean Wilbraham.
    Couple share their experience of ANR and what it takes!

  2. I am very new to all of this. I would like to start an adult breastfeeding relationship. I was hoping maybe this was a web site where Christian people could other and have a chance talk talk and meet other Christians/

    1. If your looking for dating advice and more information. try
      there you will be given suggestions that will help keep you from being scammed. Also gives a husbands view and understanding of ANR.
